Schedule and Slides

Data Science and AI, Fall 2024

Week Date Topic Slides
3 9/19 Introduction to course content, Data Science, AI and Economics, Introduction to basic data analysis process Lec0
4 9/26 Introduction to basic AI tools: Github(Copilot) IDEs ect. Lec1
5 10/3 Introduction to R and Python Lec2
6 10/10 Introduction to R and Python [Lec3])
7 10/17 Introduction to spatial data and GIS analysis: Using NASA night light data as an example [Lec4]
8 10/24 Introduction to spatial data and GIS analysis: Using NASA night light data as an example [Lec5])
9 10/31 Research Project Proposal Presentations Students Presentations
10 11/7 Web scraping and text analysis: Based on Baidu search (or Sina Weibo) [Lec6]
11 11/14 Web scraping and text analysis: Based on Baidu search (or Sina Weibo) [Lec7]
12 11/21 OCR and text recognition: Based on Baidu PaddlePaddle platforms [Lec8]
13 11/28 OCR and text recognition: Based on Baidu PaddlePaddle platform [Lec9]
14 12/5 Research Project Report Presentations Students Presentations