Labor Economics


Course taught by Professor Zhaopeng Qu at Business School of Nanjing University

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Labor Economics at Business School, Nanjing University



Week Date Topic Slides
1 9/5 Introduction Lec0
2 9/12 Overview of the Labor Market: Some Concepts and Statistics Lec1
3 9/19 Overview of the Labor Market: Some Concepts and Statistics Lec1
4 9/26 Labor Supply(I) Lec2
5 10/10 Labor Supply(II) Lec3
6 10/17 Labor Supply(II) Lec3
7 10/24 Labor Demand Lec4
8 10/31 Labor Market Equilibrium Lec5
9 10/31 Human Capital  
8 10/31 Compensating Wage Differentials  
9 10/31 Discrimination  
10 11/28 Inequality Lec9

OLD Slides(课堂讲义)